March 26th Weekly Update From Rep. Ryan Chamberlin


My Fellow Floridians,

Even though the legislative session is over and I am back home in the district, my days have been anything but boring. I have had many opportunities to attend events, give legislative updates, and visit with constituents. I love working hard for House District 24 in Tallahassee, but nothing beats being back in my community.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this update! Your continued trust and support mean a great deal to me. I look forward to keeping you updated on my work and activity out in the district in the months to come.

At the end of last week, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed my legislation to extend peer support to correctional officers into law. I am grateful for the governor’s support on this bill. It is important to me that all first responders receive the physical, moral, and emotional support they need to continue serving and protecting our communities. It was an honor to carry HB 1415 during this year’s legislative session, and I look forward to the positive impact it will have on the first responder community in Florida.

Awarded House Legislative Champion by the PBA Corrections Chapter

I am proud to share with the district that I received the House Legislative Champion Award from the Florida PBA Corrections Chapter for my work on HB 1415. I want to thank the chapter for recognizing my commitment to championing this important issue in the legislature. In Tallahassee, it was an honor to support Florida’s correctional officers, who are dedicated to maintaining public safety across our state. I look forward to being a voice for our first responders in the next legislative session.

Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs HB 3

Yesterday, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed HB 3! It was an honor to co-sponsor this great bill for our state during the legislative session. This measure prevents kids under 14 from holding a social media account and allows 14- and 15-year-olds to open an account with parental consent. Social media can destroy the lives of young kids, so it is up to us to protect them from these online dangers. I am proud of the Florida Legislature’s unified effort to make our state a place that prioritizes the mental health and safety of our children.

Upcoming Events in House District 24

Over the next few weeks, I will be speaking at several events in the district. Below are some of the places where I will have the opportunity to discuss my work with the community.

  • Ocala Tea Party Action’s “America First Rally”
  • Stone Creek
  • Oak Run
  • Spruce Creek Preserve

Please keep an eye out for additional events and updates!

It is an honor to represent House District 24! The 2024 Legislative Session was one for the books, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve my community. As always, if I may be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office by clicking here.

Have a great week!

Best regards,

Ryan Chamberlin
State Representative
District 24

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